Sunday, August 31, 2008

8/31/08: Scranton/WB Yankees vs Syracuse Chiefs

Doubleheader today and overall an awful experience. Of course, this is the norm for a series with makeshift Yankee fans and players like Melky Cabrera, Phil Hughes, Shelley Duncan, etc. being down. If you've ever warn a Yankee uniform, the fans in the Syracuse area with kiss your ass hardcore. Pregame we made the bad decision of picking the far end, rather than being in the middle of everyone. This cost us chances at Shelley Duncan and Melky Cabrera. I lucked out to get Kennedy and Moeller to at least make that first hour worth something.

Between games I was able to get Kevin Melillo to sign for me. Luckily he didn't play in the first game so he had to actually come out, unlike Kevin Mench.

After the game, the barricades were up and very narrow. Unfortunately, on the other side was a tall goofy guy at the beginning of the lines. He was able to reach out and once the players signed for him, the majority went down his row. Due to him, I missed Hughes, Duncan, and a few others I needed. I lucked out that Victor Zambrano decided to make my card one of the three he signed walking out. Other than that, Nick Green turned just in time to get us, after being on the other side to start.

The worst part of it all was that after waiting for the coaches to come out, Alvaro Espinosa snubbed the few of us who wanted him. ALVARO ESPINOSA! That alone sums up your night, when a career lower .200 hitting player snubs everyone.


Kevin Mellilo - 1

Ian Kennedy - 1
Chad Moeller - 1
Nick Green - 1
Victor Zambrano - 1

Different Baseball Cards in 2008: 593

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