Saturday, August 23, 2008

8/23/08: Buffalo Bisons vs Syracuse Chiefs

You could almost call this my Syracuse finale, as there are only four days of home games left, and I can really only make two of those. One of which is tomorrow vs Rochester, whom I have two possible guys left to get anything from, and the other is Scranton W/B, which is going to be a mob scene. Tonight, all rehabbers but Josh Barfield blew everyone off. In fact, Morgan Ensberg came out with a hat pulled over his face. Dude, there are barricades up, you don't need to hide..we see you.

Before the game, I lucked out and was let in before the end of BP, which let me get my Jeff Weavers out of the way. Aside from that, things went relatively ok after the game, with the exception of Josh Barfield. He finally decides to sign near the bus. I bring my 2006 prospect book over with my pen... Of course, with the fun I've had trying to get Barfield this whole year, I'm sure I could have predicted what happened next. That would be him taking the same sharpie he signed the last thing with and he signed my book with it. Yup, 169 players follow procedure of using a damn pen, but Barfield can't do that. Luckily, he didn't sign too hard and I am not very anal about the book (last year I felt I should get the same color for each, etc..but I have lightened up). It just sucks, as I think sharpie looks awful on it. Anyways...


Aaron Laffey (2008)
Josh Barfield (2006)


John Halama - 2
Aaron Laffey - 1
Tom Mastny - 2
Todd Linden - 2
Tony Graffanino - 3
Brian Slocum - 1
Jeff Weaver - 3
Jonathan Meloan - 1

Total Baseball Cards Signed This Year: 579

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