Friday, November 19, 2010

4/8/10-4/11/10 Lehigh Valley Ironpigs vs Syracuse Chiefs

Due to my lack of updates, I have decided to try to expedite the process by moving the Syracuse Chiefs games into series. So this was our first matchup with Lehigh Valley (Triple A affiliate of Philadelphia). The coolest part of the series was the nearly empty game, where Kevin Mench was in the store signing. He asked to take one of my cards (of course a numbered card I liked and had only one of..), but then he signed the rest of what I had, which was cool.


Lehigh Valley
Brian Bocock - 2
Brandon Duckworth - 1
Chris Duffy - 3
Scott Mathieson - 6
Cody Ransom - 2
Joe Savery - 1
Wilson Valdez - 3
DeWayne Wise - 2 (1 extra)
Mike Zagurski - 2 (2 extra)

Roger Bernadina - 1
Seth Bynum - 1
Devin Ivany - 1
Marvin Lowrance - 2
Carlos Maldonado - 2
Kevin Mench - 8 (Including 1 game used)
Doug Slaten - 6 (1 extra)

Cards This Series: 43, Overall: 43

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